Serving Our Youth
Through services and groups designed specifically for
children and youth.
All of our volunteers have gone through training and certification to be able to work with kids under 18 years old. If you would like to help in this area, please read the following training manuals and fill out the Safety Application. Return the application to the lock-box located outside the church office. Mark your envelope for either children or student ministry. Please note: volunteers must attend FCC for at least 3 months prior to volunteering.
We require all of our volunteers to do the following 4 steps in order to be cleared to work with our children.
Step 1: Fill out a Safety Application
Step 2: Perform all three Background Checks
FBI Fingerprint or Volunteer Affidavit (If you've lived in PA 10+ years you may use the Affidavit instead of FBI Fingerprint.)
Step 3: Read and Sign FCC's Children's Ministry
Policy & Procedure Manual (This is for birth through 5th grade.)
Read and Sign FCC's Students Ministry
Policy & Procedure Manual (This is for Middle & High School Volunteers.)
Step 4: Read and Sign the FCC Code of Conduct
Other Ways to Serve
Worship Team
If you can sing or play an instrument you can audition to be part of the worship team. Team members become friends and their ministry helps lead us all into the presence of the Lord. Email for more information.
Coffee Station
You don't need to drink coffee to help serve it. Our coffee team arrives a bit early to brew, set up, and clean up the station. You can choose the Sundays that work best for you. Email to find out more.
Welcome Team
The Welcome Team is for you if you enjoy meeting new people and have an infectious smile. You can be scheduled to serve any Sunday you're in church. Email the church office to find out more