Discussion questions
These questions can be used by your Faith Group to discuss "Let's Be A Worshiping Church" preached September 15, 2024, concerning Acts 2:42-47. This is the 3rd message in the series "On Your Mark, Get Set, GROW!" We’re looking at the 5 marks of a growing church: Learning, Caring, Worshiping, Giving, and Growing. These practices were the cornerstones of the Early Church, and they continue to be the foundation for how we grow today. Open your group with a prayer. Use these questions as a guide; select the points you want to discuss.
Pastor Richard described being awestruck by the sight of a rainbow. Have you ever experienced a moment where you were so awestruck by nature or beauty that it made you stop everything? How does this compare to moments when you’ve felt God’s presence in worship?
What kind of expectations do you bring with you to church? Do you come expecting to encounter God in a meaningful way, or has worship become more routine for you?
Worship Through Breaking Bread: In the sermon, it was said that breaking bread connects the past, present, and future in worship. What are these three aspects?
Look up Luke 22:19. Why do you think Jesus specifically asked us to "do this in remembrance of me"? Jesus obviously expected us to repeat the observance many times. How can we keep Communion from becoming a routine and make it a fresh, meaningful encounter with God?
Communion is described as a multi-sensory act of worship. How does engaging all your senses make Communion more impactful for you personally?
Worship Through Prayer: The early church was devoted to communal prayer, not just private prayer. Look up Acts 4:31. What does this verse show us about the power of communal prayer? Have you experienced moments where prayer led to a tangible sense of God’s presence or boldness in your life?
How does praying together as a church community affect your spiritual life differently from praying alone?
Refer to Philippians 4:6-7. What promises does this passage give about prayer? How does consistent prayer bring peace into your life, and how can this impact your worship experience?
On Sunday, the church recited "The Lord's Prayer" together. Jesus gave His disciples this model for prayer. How can praying the Lord’s Prayer help us focus on God’s kingdom, His provision, and our need for forgiveness in our personal and communal worship?
Do you appreciate corporate prayers said in unison? Do you ever pray pre-written prayers? Why?
Worship Through Adoration, The Power of Awe: Acts 2:43 speaks about the early church being filled with awe. What role does awe and reverence play in your personal worship? How can we cultivate a deeper sense of awe for God in our services today?
Read Isaiah 6:1-5. Isaiah was overwhelmed with awe in God's presence. How does a genuine sense of awe change the way we approach worship? How can we cultivate this attitude of reverence in our own worship today?
Read Psalm 22:22-23. In the sermon, it was mentioned that the early church’s praise wasn’t confined to private moments but was a public testimony. How does corporate praise, when we worship together as a community, differ from personal praise? Why do you think God calls us to praise Him together as a church?
What impact does corporate praise have on your own faith, and how does it serve as a witness to others? How can we, as a church, make our corporate praise a stronger expression of our unity in Christ and our witness to the world?
Prepare for Communion: This week, take time to intentionally prepare your heart for the next time you participate in Communion. How can reflecting on Christ’s sacrifice change the way you approach this act of worship?
Commit to Prayer: Set aside a specific time each day for intentional, focused prayer. What are some ways you can incorporate communal prayer into your spiritual life, either in your family, small group, or church?
Seek Awe in Worship: Next Sunday, come to church with the expectation of encountering God’s presence. How can you shift your mindset from a passive observer to an active worshiper seeking transformation?
Reflect on Your Worship: Think about a recent worship service you attended. What moved you? How did you sense God’s presence, and what might you do differently next time to engage more fully in worship? How can we prevent our worship from becoming routine or self-centered, and instead focus on God's greatness and majesty?