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OUr Beliefs
We Believe...
The Bible is God's message for life
God is bigger and better and closer than we can imagine
Jesus is God showing himself to us as a person
Eternal life is God's gift that only comes through faith in Jesus
By the Holy Spirit, God lives in and through us now
Man is God's beloved creation in need of Jesus
Heaven and Hell are real and lasting places
The church consists of people sharing their Jesus relationship
Jesus is coming again to begin a new period in history
Faith Church holds to traditional, conservative, evangelical Christian doctrine.
Below is our complete doctrinal statement.
(1) We believe that the Bible, composed of the Old and the New Testaments, is verbally inspired of God, is inerrant in the original writings and is the supreme and final authority in faith and in life.
(2) We believe that there is but One living and true God, eternally existing and manifesting himself to us in three persons, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, who are the same in substance and equal in power and glory.
(3) We believe in the deity of Jesus Christ, that He was begotten of the Holy Spirit, and born of the Virgin Mary, that He is true God and true man, and that He is the only and sufficient Mediator between God and Man.
(4) We believe that Christ's death on the cross for our sins was substitutionary, and that whosoever believes in Him is justified on the ground of His shed blood. We believe in His bodily resurrection from the dead, in His ascension into Heaven, where He ever lives to make intercession for us, and in His Premillennial return to the earth.
(5) We believe that salvation is by grace, through faith, and that all who receive the Lord Jesus Christ by faith are born again of the Holy Spirit and by this birth are the children of God.
(6) We believe in the divine personality of the Holy Spirit, that He is God, and that His ministry is to reveal Jesus Christ to men. His work is to convict men of sin, to regenerate, indwell, and set apart the believer to a holy life.
(7) We believe that man was created in the image of God; that he sinned and thereby incurred not only physical death, but also that spiritual death which is separation from God; that all human beings are born with a sinful nature and are totally unable to save themselves by their own works, being dead in trespasses and sin.
(8) We believe in the bodily resurrection of the just and unjust (the just being those who through faith are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, and on this basis are made truly righteous in His esteem; the unjust being those who continue in impenitence and unbelief in Christ as Savior and remain in God's sight wicked and under the curse), and that this distinction shall remain after death in the conscious eternal blessedness of the saved in Heaven, and the conscious eternal punishment of the lost in Hell.
(9) We believe that the Church of Jesus Christ is a living, spiritual body of which Christ Himself is the Head and of which all regenerated people are members. We believe that the local Church is a company of believers in Jesus Christ joined together for worship, edification, fellowship, and the spread of the gospel.
(10) We believe that baptism is an ordinance commanded by Christ and is the immersion of a believer in water in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit; that a believer should always reckon upon the truth of his spiritual identification with Christ in death, burial and resurrection, (death to sin and resurrection to walk in newness of life).
(11) We believe that the Lord's Supper (partaking of bread and the fruit of the vine, which are symbols of Christ's body and Christ's blood shed for the remission of sin) is an ordinance commanded by Christ to be observed by believers and is a remembrance of His death until He comes again.
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