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Good Friday & Easter 2021

It feels like spring! And that means Good Friday and Easter are right around the corner. Here's what you need to know about those services.

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Why do they call it "good?" Good Friday, quite simply, is good news for the world, though it was initially bad news for Jesus. The innocent Jesus suffered on the Cross for the sins of the world, as heavy and horrifying an assignment as there ever was. But God turned the bad into good! Join us online at 7:00 PM on April 2 for a retelling of Jesus' passion, special music, and communion. Click here to go to the Zoom Service on April 2.


Up from the grave He arose! Reserve a Seat for Easter Sunday morning, in-person worship at 10:30 AM or join our YouTube livestream from home. We're restarting congregational singing with masks, socially-distanced children's programs for age 3 to grade 5 with masks in the lower auditorium, and nursery care for those younger. We'll have a well-lit spring background in the lobby for Easter family photos, too! (Masks required). Come and rejoice! Our Savior conquered sin and death!

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